Prolog Glue Language?

Magnus L. Hetland mlh at
Fri Oct 15 10:07:32 EDT 1999

I tried to understand the WAM some time ago because I wanted to
implement it (or some subset) in Python (i.e. not as a C module)... I
know this has been done in SmallTalk... This might not be interesting
if one wants a really fast implementation, but my motivation was to be
able to include declarative code in my python scripts, as much as the
other way around (gluing), therefore making the use of a c module a
bit tricky...

I never *did* get a grip on the WAM... But I am still interested in
getting this thing to work... (I am also interested in using Python as
glue for prolog, for that matter...)

Anyone else who want to try? If nothing else, we could make a very
*small* prolog... It might still be useful for a lot of things.


  Magnus          Echelon jamming noise:
  Lie             FBI CIA NSA Handgun Assault Bomb Drug Terrorism
  Hetland         Special Forces Delta Force AK47 Hillary Clinton 

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