DCOM servers in Python... how?

Gordon McMillan gmcm at hypernet.com
Wed Oct 20 13:53:38 EDT 1999

Richard Smol writes:
> For a research project here I want to be able to prototype
> DCOM-servers quickly. For this I am of course thinking of Python!
> Now I don't know that much about DCOM. I have been roaming
> through the Pythonwin COM documentation and wonder if it all also
> holds true for DCOM. The only DCOM example program I saw was for
> a client though. What is the easiest way to implement a DCOM
> server then?

As I understand it, (and since a complete understanding of 
COM is virtually impossible, take it with a grain of salt), a 
DCOM server is just a COM (standalone, not in-process) 
server. The secret is all in how the remote machine finds it, 
which is either in the code or the registry on the client 

I suppose one might hope that there are security issues 
involved, but probably not. (Sigh. One of the Melissa variants 
apparently uses UNC pathnames to go screw up all the other 
machines it can find on your network, but leaves yours alone.)

- Gordon

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