Piddle and Graphite?

Jim Meier fatjim at
Mon Oct 25 05:32:28 EDT 1999

Howdy folks!

A while ago, I was using a pair of packages called Piddle and Graphite to do
some nice dynamic graphing for a website. I've abandoned that project, but have
a new one I'd like to use these modules for again. 

Unfortunaly, Big Brother has erased their existence.

Piddle was a high-level page-description type of drawing API, with plugins for
PIL, .ps and .pdf output, and others. It was an excellent API, I don't think it
would have been abandoned?

Graphite was created by a member of the Python Starship (sorry, I don't
remember names). It was the most perfect design for an object-oriented graphing
package that I've ever seen. It was so well designed (in my opinion) that I
learned most of what I know about proper OOP from it.

What fate have these two modules suffered? Change of name? Or something more

-Jim Meier

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