TimeServer & Clients updated

Benjamin Schollnick junkster at nospam.rochester.rr.com
Sun Oct 17 20:59:34 EDT 1999

Here's the current code base for v1.0a of TimeServer & Timeclients.

Here's a few notes:

	1) The code is primarily (currently) aimed at Python on a Win NT
		platform.  After all, this was spec'd to be used at work, which
		is a Win NT environment.

		* Any cross platform suggestions, improvements are more
			than welcome.

	2) Any suggestions on additional error checking, sanity checks, etc
		are more than welcome.

	3) Any suggestions for general improvements or anything else, is
		certainly welcome.

	4) If anyone wants to archive this code, feel free, but please leave
		my comments/headers/acknowledgement intact.
		This also applies to Python releases, if this happens to
		get attached to the code tree, I won't shed any tears... |-)

	5) I'm also trying to come up with a "plugin" Scheme, since I plan to
		make other "servers", but I'm coming up dry on ideas.  Anyone
		want to "spare a idea" or two?


	Everyone that has contributed directly or indirectly in helping keep
	my head attached straightly.

Improvement/Change history:

	* First release official release

	Port 37, Timeserver code:
#       Python Time Server, based off of RFC 868.
#       Thanks to (no particular order, nor is this complete):
#               Jeff            [jam .at. quark.emich.edu]
#               Paul Foley      [(setq reply-to  (concatenate 'string 
"Paul Foley "
#                                 "<mycroft" '(#\@) 
#       And other folks in comp.language.python for their assistance 
with this code.
#       This code is free to the public, EXCEPT, I would appreciate 
any changes to be
#       emailed to me ("Junkster at rochester.rr.com")
# Changes:
#	v1.0a (10/15/99)
#		- Added Logging (see logfilename)
#		- Rewrote Time Generation routine to use time.time()
#		- Increased # of default threads

import time
from socket import *
import struct
import sys

#       Constants
epoch           = 2208988800L           # Difference between 1900 & 
1970 per RFC868
logfilename     = 'TIMESERVER.LOG'      # Name of the log file
numb_threads    = 10

def timeserver_calculation():
	total = epoch + time.time()
	return total

def server(host="", port=37, backlog=5):
	sock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
	sock.bind (host, port)
	sock.listen (backlog)
	print "listening on port %s (%s, %s)" % (port, `host`, backlog)
	while 1:
		connection = (conn, addr) = sock.accept()
		ft = timeserver_calculation()
		lt = long(ft)
		timetuple = time.localtime(time.time())
		logentry = time.strftime('%x %X', timetuple) + ' client ' + 
str(addr[0]) + ' connected for timeStamp ('+str(lt)+')'
		print logentry
		logfile = open(logfilename, 'a')
		logfile.write (logentry+'\n')


		conn.send ( struct.pack("!L", lt))

if __name__ == "__main__":
	server('', 37, numb_threads)

	Client 37

#       Python Time Server client, based off of RFC 868.
#       Thanks to the folks in comp.language.python for their 
assistance with this code.
#       This code is free to the public, EXCEPT, I would appreciate 
any changes to be
#       emailed to me ("Junkster at rochester.rr.com")

import  os
import  struct
import  sys
from    telnetlib       import Telnet
import  time

#       Use Telnet library to connect to server on port 37
print "Connecting to : ", sys.argv[1]
tn_session = Telnet(sys.argv[1], 37)    # Connect to NTP date / time 
datetime   = tn_session.read_all()      # Read the Integer
tn_session.close()                      # Close the Telnet session

dt = struct.unpack ("!L", datetime)     # Unpack the data from the 

#       "Dump the Data to Screen for Debug"
print "Server Returned: ",datetime," |       Unpacked structure value 
: ", dt

#       Epoch is the diff. between Epochs between Python & RFC 868
epoch = 2208988800L
dt = (dt[0]) - epoch             # Remove "Tuple" status & Convert it 
to a python time value

#       Print out "English" Version of time/date
timetuple = time.localtime(dt)
print "Time - ", time.asctime(timetuple)

if sys.platform == "win32":
        import win32api
        #print (timetuple[0], timetuple[1], timetuple[6], 
timetuple[2], timetuple[3], timetuple[4], timetuple[5], 0)
        #win32api.SetSystemTime (timetuple[0], timetuple[1], 
timetuple[6], timetuple[2], timetuple[3], timetuple[4], timetuple[5], 
        os.system ('date '+ time.strftime('%x', timetuple) )
        os.system ('time '+ time.strftime('%X', timetuple) )

	Client 13
#       Python Time Server client, based off of RFC 868.
#       Thanks to the folks in comp.language.python for their 
assistance with this code.
#       This code is free to the public, EXCEPT, I would appreciate 
any changes to be
#       emailed to me ("Junkster at rochester.rr.com")

import time
import sys
from telnetlib import Telnet

print "Connecting to : ", sys.argv[1]
tn_session = Telnet(sys.argv[1], 13) # Connect to MS Win NT date / 
datetime   = tn_session.read_all()
print "Server returned: ",datetime
#timevalue = time.strptime (datetime, '%A, %B, %d, %Y %X')
#timestr    = time.strptime (datetime)
#print timevalue, '   - ', time.asctime(timevalue)

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