Popup menus in Tkinter

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Wed Nov 10 14:16:49 EST 1999

dkaznadzey at my-deja.com writes on Mon, 08 Nov 1999 19:44:16 GMT:
> What would be a good source of information on tk commands
> available through Tkinter?
I use "tclhelp", a program with comes with "tclX".
It is a grafical documentation program for "tcl", "tclX"
and "tk". Alternatively, you can use the online tcl/tk
documentation (e.g. from scriptics).

These, of cause, document "tcl/tk" not "Tkinter".
However, the mapping from "tk" to "Tkinter" is quite straight forward:

* If a widget "w" supports a command "c" with positional parameters
  "p1", "p2", ... and option value pairs "o1", "v1", "o2", "v2", ...,
  then the corresponding "Tkinter" object "W" usually has a method "c"
  which can be called: W.c(p1,p2,..., o1=v1, o2=v2, ...)

    a text widget "t" supports the "insert" command with
    parameters "index", "chars" and optionally "taglist",
    "chars", "taglist", "chars" and so on.
    So one can call:

        t insert end Hello tag1 'Bye' {tag2 tag3}

    For the corresponding Tkinter object "T", this looks like:


    the "configure" command of a widget may take several

      a)        w configure
      b)        w configure -option
      c)        w configure -option1 value1 -option2 value2 ...

    In Tkinter, this looks like:

      a)        w.configure()
      b)        w.configure('option')
      c)        w.configure(option1=value1, option2=value2, ...)

* If a widget "w" has "subobjects" of type "s" which supports
  command "c", then the corresponding "Tkinter" method
  is "W.s_c".
  Positional parameters and keyword parameters (option,value pairs
  in tcl) are handled as shown above.

    a text widget "t" has "tag" subobjects supporting e.g.
    the command "bind".

    The "Tkinter" method is "T.tag_bind".

* Tk control commands (e.g. "pack", "bind", "grid", wm, winfo, ...)
  are mapped to corresponding method calls of the first slave.

    a)          pack slave1 slave2 .... -option1=value1 -option2=value2 ...
    b)          grid slave -option1=value1 ...

    become in Tkinter:
    a)          slave1.pack(option1=value1, option2=value2, ...)
                slave2.pack(option1=value1, option2=value2, ...)
    b)          slave.grid(option1=value1, ...)

  A sub-commands "s" of a control command "c" is mapped to
  the method "s_c".

      pack forget slave1 slave2 ...

There are few exceptions from the rules stated above, e.g.:
  * additional parameter "add" for the various forms of "bind"
    to tell Tkinter to add a function to the action list
    (or replace the action list).
  * special handling of variables (e.g. bound to buttons):
    they must be created as Tkinter objects while in
    tcl/tk creation is automatic.

- Dieter

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