IPC8: SouthWest Airlines Internet specials

Skip Montanaro skip at mojam.com
Fri Nov 5 15:39:41 EST 1999

    Jeremy> Everyone planning to fly to the conference should consider
    Jeremy> flying through BWI.  I have flown from BWI to San Jose and San
    Jeremy> Francisco a few times this year, each time for about $200.
    Jeremy> Flights through BWI are often cheaper than flights from Dulles
    Jeremy> or National.

If you're on a budget and might like to get away without renting a car,
don't forget to figure in the cost of ground transport into the total
equation.  For IPC1 I flew into BWI and found the metro didn't go there.
Not real convenient.  At least with National you've got a Metro station

All that said, I don't know how convenient the conference location is to
public transport.  Jeremy, Guido, and other locals (yikes! Guido's a local
now?) can probably give a summary of that sort of thing.

me-who-rarely-drives-a-car-to-work-ly y'rs

Skip Montanaro | http://www.mojam.com/
skip at mojam.com | http://www.musi-cal.com/
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