Snippets site (minor rant)

Blake Winton bwinton at
Thu Nov 4 19:49:22 EST 1999

Well, I just checked the newsgroup, and no-one seems to have noticed
that (or at least no-one has posted anything about ) the Python Snippets
site has been down for the past few days.  I'm not sure if that's a good
or a bad thing.

Anyways.  (Here comes the rant.)  The site was down because Bell (aka
Sympatico, my local ADSL provider) decided to switch their service from
DHCP to Access Manager (aka PPPoE).  The PPPoE implementation for Linux
is "not quite production quality".  So on the day they switched my area
over, I switched to Rogers at Home (my local Cable Modem provider).

The end result is that my computer has just gotten on the net, and the
dns will switch over to it at 6am EST.

I wanted to apologize to Hans, and to vent a little, and now that I've
done both, I'm going to go and help a buddy move into his new apartment.

Thank you all for listening,

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