Order of keyword arguments

Andres Corrada andres at corrada.com
Sun Nov 21 10:28:18 EST 1999

Jeff wrote:

> keyword arguments are passed as a dictionary, and thus the 'order' of the
> arguments will not be preserved. what is the advantage you see to being able
> to obtain that information? wouldn't a redesign of the interface keep things
> simpler and increase the likelihood of success?

I want to have my cake and eat it too! I thought this would be a way of
keeping the flexibity of keyword arguments but also pass information
along on how the calling function wants the items returned. For example,
an HTML form could be called with a variable number of input tags and
you want to render the HTML in the same order that they were used to
call the function.

Andres Corrada-Emmanuel   Email: andres at corrada.com
Owner                     http://www.corrada.com/mamey
Mamey                     Phone: (413) 587-9595

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