print "foo", without a space

Tim Peters tim_one at
Fri Nov 12 00:04:47 EST 1999

[Mikael Johansson]
> Is there another way of getting print to not make a newline than
> using:
>     print "foo",  ?


> This because the comma always produces a space which necessary
> isn't that nice ...

That's a different issue than newlines.  In small doses, this devious trick
is quite pleasant:

>>> import sys
>>> def no_space_before(x):
        sys.stdout.softspace = 0
        return x

>>> ns = no_space_before
>>> print 1, ns(2), 3, ns(4), 5
12 34 5

the-great-thing-about-python-is-it's-so-obvious<wink>-ly y'rs  - tim

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