status of remote debugging?

Preston Landers prestonlanders at
Fri Nov 26 11:56:13 EST 1999

Hello all,

Just wondering if there is already an implementation of remote debugging
for Python.  If not, I'm thinking it would be a neat trick.  Ideally,
what I want is to put a wrapper around my programs such that if an
unhandled exception is raised, the program will halt and listen on a
socket for remote debugging connections.  A worthwhile hack would
include simple authentication and perhaps a notification option, I
think.  Level II would include connecting to any running Python program
including threaded.

Perhaps this would require subclassing pdb to handle the client side
connection.  (IE, my local instance of pdb connects to the debugged pdb
across the network and evaluates/executes in the remote instance.)  Or,
perhaps the 'client' side of this would be a simple telnet style

I think this would be useful for debugging CGI applications, for one
thing.  It would be nice to be able to connect to the offending
application server and examine tracebacks or evaluate expressions to see
what's wrong.

Just wondering if anyone has worked on this.  I see no mention of this
in my copy of the pdb docs.



|| Preston Landers <prestonlanders at> ||

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