C-Python tutorial?

Andy Robinson andy at robanal.demon.co.uk
Sun Nov 7 11:41:19 EST 1999

"Michael P. Reilly" <arcege at shore.net> wrote:

>Gerrit Holl <gerrit.holl at pobox.com> wrote:
>: Hello,
>: I have learned python as my first langauge some time ago. Is there a C
>: tutorial for python programmers, that covers C programming, espaccialy for
>: extending it with python?
>: I think not. Can anyone write one? I would be very grateful!
Someone said a long time ago that Python would be a great way to move
into learning C through writing extensions.  I feel this would be true
with the right tutorial - you get big payoffs from just a little C, as
the app framework is done for you in Python.  I don't know enough to
write this, but would sure enough review it and work with an author to
polish it up if someone had a go.

- Andy

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