Comparing Python to (free) Math languages/environments

Robin Becker robin at
Thu Nov 18 19:46:31 EST 1999

In article <Pine.LNX.4.10.9911180305320.7208-100000 at>,
Travis Oliphant <olipt at> writes
>I've been steadily working over the past year to flesh out some of the
>missing numerical pieces (see  As to
>how things are coming, I can only give my own experience.  With the
>packages I've put together I am able to use Python exclusively in my day
>to day work and find that I am able to do things I would never have tried
>in MATLAB.  
>In short, I do not regret the decision to use Python.  In fact I'm happier
>about the decision each day.

me too

> on the lists.  Good luck in your search.
>Travis Oliphant

Robin Becker

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