__del__ and AttributeError problem

Arun Sharma adsharma at home.com.nospam
Sat May 1 23:03:31 EDT 1999

I have 3 files:

$ cat foo.py
import bar
class foo:
        def __init__(self):
                self.i = 0
                self.j = bar.bar()
        def __del__(self):
                print "foo dies\n"
x = foo()           

$ cat bar.py
def something():
        print "bar something\n"
class bar:
        def __init__(self):
                self.i = 0
        def __del__(self):
                print "bar dies\n"
$ cat m.py
import bar
from foo import *    

$ python m.py
bar something
foo dies
Exception exceptions.AttributeError: "'None' object has no attribute 'something'" in <method foo.__del__ of foo instance at 80ad0c0> ignored
bar dies

Now for the question: why do I get the attribute error ? And what is
the right way to handle the situation ? I'm using python 1.5.1.


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