sending data to another process's input stream?

Joseph J. Strout joe at
Fri May 21 10:49:04 EDT 1999

At 4:43 PM -0700 05/20/99, Paul Prescod wrote:

>You can use os.popen2 or something like it. But the trick is that the app
>that calls os.popen can't close or else it loses the file handle. So you
>need a long running Python app.

Got it.  Long-running Python app acts as a wrapper around the C++ program,
and communicates with the short-lived Python CGIs via sockets -- which
avoids having to put socket yuckiness into my C++ code.

Thanks for your help, and your patience!

-- Joe
|    Joseph J. Strout           Biocomputing -- The Salk Institute |
|    joe at                 |

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