Difference between Win-dll's and pyd's??

Christian Tismer tismer at appliedbiometrics.com
Tue May 11 10:52:01 EDT 1999

"Thomas S. Strinnhed" wrote:

> Now for the questions:
>  I suspect the .pyd-files to be "Python-dll's". Right??

Right. They got just a different extension, "python dll".
You can rename them to .dll and inspect them with 
a dll viewer.

>  No:    If not, what are they, and how to use them.
>  Yes:   If so, can I substitute .pyd's for win-dll's and vice versa
>         or can they be used in any other ways??

There is one big difference. .pyd dlls usually export just
one function, which the Python interpreter wants to see:
init<modulename> must be there. Python will call it
once. The .pyd then usually initializes itself, inserts
some objects into its module dictionary and whatever.
So by design, they are usually useless if Python is not
But you might of course write a standard C .dll which
publishes a number of functions for other C code
and provides an init<modulename> function as well.
This would allow to add a Python interface to your
functions in the same dll file.

ciao - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at appliedbiometrics.com>
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