python goes to alaska

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Wed May 12 10:44:49 EDT 1999

Darrell <news at> wrote:
> Being a Python spy on a Perl cruise sounds like a good way to get thrown
> over board ! Not to mention that resisting assimilation into their hive may
> result in brain damage.

if you look at the programme, they mention the names
of all speakers, except the "what's better, what's worse"
session speaker ;-)

(btw, I really love the part where they imply that Python's
design is "a reaction to the excesses of Perl"...)

but the cruise folks really deserve to be taken seriously.
a Python cruise in the caribbean would be pretty cool.
maybe for SPAM-9?


PS. since some people asked, the St. Anna archipelago
in Sweden is actually on the same latitude as the Alaska
Inside Passage.  waaay up in the north.

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