Embedding and makefile stuff

greg andruk meowing at banet.net
Mon May 17 15:52:03 EDT 1999

So I was hacking Python support into an ancient, bloated product
that's in dire need of a third embedded language.  It works fine, but
now it's time to hammer autoconfig into submission so it won't only
run on one machine.

Is there a decent way under U*X to find out what libraries libpython
depends on, that's less icky than doing something like this?  Grepping
a makefile seems Wrong, and it would be oh-so-cool if it turns out
there's a super secret sys.something entry I've overlooked.

The ugly configure.in snippet:

    py_prefix=`$_PATH_PYTHON -c 'import sys; print sys.prefix'`
    py_vers=`$_PATH_PYTHON -c 'import sys; print sys.version[[:3]]'`
dnl FIXME: I wish there was a less icky way to get this.
    py_libs=`grep '^LIBS=' $py_libdir/config/Makefile | sed -e 's/^.*=//'`
    py_libc=`grep '^LIBC=' $py_libdir/config/Makefile | sed -e 's/^.*=//'`
    py_libm=`grep '^LIBM=' $py_libdir/config/Makefile | sed -e 's/^.*=//'`
    PYTHON_LIB="-L$py_libdir $py_libs $py_libc $py_libm -lpython$py_vers"
    PYTHON_LIB=`echo $PYTHON_LIB | sed -e 's/[ \\t]*/ /g'`

I have a feeling I'm doomed, but it can't hurt to ask.  I hope.
Misc. Meowing: <URL:http://members.xoom.com/meowing/> **meow**

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