Cross platform serial library?

Mark Hammond MHammond at
Fri May 21 20:17:32 EDT 1999

Andrew M. Kuchling wrote in message
<14149.26778.52076.845079 at>...
>Cameron Laird writes:
>>I'm optimistic that an effort to write a cross-platform library
>>would win support--maybe even workers!--from several camps, perhaps
>>including also PHP and Lua.  I don't think this would have happened
> I don't think a cross-platform C library is required; at least
>on Unix, most of the pieces are already implementable in a scripting
>language, because all you need is access to open(2), read(2), and

Indeed.  One of the problems I see with this is asynchronous serial IO.
read/write etc is fine, but for many applications, a notification based
scheme is required.

Therefore, I would think a cross-platform serial module should not attempt
any languages other than Python, and that we use Python concepts - eg,
threading.Lock() interface to notify a thread a character is available etc.


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