reading PDF using Python [Q]

Matěj Cepl Cepl at
Wed May 12 09:59:38 EDT 1999

> You may want to check the following paper below, also
> discussing PDF, if only briefly and basically about
> image compression. I'd assume, though, that algorithms
> like LZW are also used for textual compression.
	[MCepl]  Please, do not use LZW in any application! It cause
trouble and it is (IMHO, and I am not specialist) worse compression
factor than PNG 0 compression. See and for more information.
Moreover, it seems to me that even Adobe doesn't use LZW in its products
anymore, when it supports zlib compression (called Deflate in Adobe
documentation), even though it is able to use LZW as well (because of
compatibility with lower versions of PDF).


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