Q: A Catch-all Exception-Handler

Norbert.Klamann at pobox.com Norbert.Klamann at pobox.com
Fri May 7 03:04:13 EDT 1999

Hello all,
since some weeks I do serious work with Python and I like it very much.
I wrote some scripts which run nightly in batch . At the moment I don't
see a possibility to make any unforeseen exceptions visible.

The scripts print to stdout and in case of an exceptional exception I would
like to see a traceback on Stdout.

If possible I wouldn't like to clutter the code with try's and except's at
every second line.

Can this be done ?

Many thanks for any hints and sorry if it's a FAQ, but I didn't find an answer
in DejaNews and the FAQ.

Norbert Klamann
Klamann Software & Beratung
Erftstadt Germany
Klamann.Software at pobox.com

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