Bug report: memory leak in python 1.5.2

Michael P. Reilly arcege at shore.net
Wed May 26 16:23:07 EDT 1999

Fred L. Drake <fdrake at cnri.reston.va.us> wrote:

: M.-A. Lemburg writes:
:  > Don't why the free(new); is missing though... maybe some putenv()
:  > implementation expect a malloced string (the putenv implementation
:  > in posixmodule.c for NeXT does) while other make a copy first.

:   At least on Solaris, the malloc()'ed memory must survive until the
: same key is re-used.
:   I think using a Python string for the malloc()'ed memory is
: acceptable (it's just a buffer, after all).  I took a stab at using a
: dictionary to "cache" the last string passed to putenv() for each key; 
: when using the same key again, the old value is removed from the
: dictionary and deleted.  Greg's code doesn't appear to leak with my
: patch, at any rate (running for over 7 minutes on a 200Mhz
: UltraSPARC).
:   I've appended the patch below for others to try out and verify.  If
: others get positive results and can't think of reasons not to accept
: this, perhaps I can knock Guido over the head with it when he gets
: back to town.  ;-)

There is also the situation where some UNIX systems put the environment
initially in the u area, and it is difficult to programmatically determine
where different runtime segments are (where is the heap vs. where is the
u area).

Fred, your solution should work because it takes the problem case: what
to do with the string initially, but I think it might be better to copy
the values at module initialization time.  I've included an addition to
Fred's patch to be called instead of the PyDict_New() function (in the
module init function).

Also, how should we deal with this in terms of C applications who might
change the environment?  (Embedders beware!)

>From a programming standpoint, I don't think that it should be "proper"
to be changing the environment all that much.  It's purpose is to
propragate values to child processes, not to store runtime values.


Example environment initialization schema (based on Fred Drake's patch).

PyObject *
  char **environ;
  { int i;
    char **p;
    PyObject *putenv_garbage;
    PyObject *key, *env;

    if ((posix_putenv_garbage = PyDict_New()) == NULL)
      return NULL;
    /* populate the dictionary with the values from the environment */
    for (p = environ; *p; p++)
      /* get the name of the environment variable */
      for (i = 0; (*p)[i] && (*p)[i] != '='; i++) ;
      key = PyString_FromStringAndSize(*p, i);
      env = PyString_FromString(*p);
      PyDict_SetItem(posix_putenv_garbage, key, env);
    i = 0;
    /* rewrite the entire environment with Python strings */
    /* we rewrite the entire environment after reading it, not while
       reading the address locations */
    while (PyDict_Next(posix_putenv_garbage, &i, &key, &env))
    return posix_putenv_garbage;

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