Python COM from ASP

Mark Hammond MHammond at
Thu May 6 07:42:28 EDT 1999

The Python object is being loaded as a DLL.

The answer depends on the configuration of ASP.  For a single process, the
Python DLL is only loaded once, but many Python language objects may be
created from that single instance.  ASP may or may not be using a single
process for all you Python calls (and probably is if they are in the same
ASP application)

Alternatively, you can register the Python object so that it will use a
.EXE, although the DLL version is generally better...


s_hubbard at wrote in message <7gru52$k38$1 at>...
>Having built a COM object for use from an ASP, I'm trying to find out how
>whether the Python environment is loaded for each instance of the COM
>or whether one python session serves all simultanious hits to the page.
>My problem is that neither the task manager, or any other monitoring tool
>registers anything being loaded up when the object is called. Presumably
>python runtime is being loaded, but where and how?
>I'm using NT4 Workstation with PWS to simulate our Server/IIS
>so if anyone knows either the answer to the question, or simply how Python
>being envoked I'd it would really help.
>Simon H
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