tut.html problem in documentation package

Fred L. Drake fdrake at cnri.reston.va.us
Mon May 3 10:23:43 EDT 1999

  Several people have sent mail indicating that the file tut/tut.html
was not included in the HTML documentation package I released last
Friday.  This confused me quite a bit, because it was in the file I
placed on the Web and FTP server.  A little more poking turned up an
interesting tidbit, however: the tut.html and index.html were two
links to the same file ("hard" links).
  Now, on a Unix system, such as I'm using here or as we're running
for python.org, this is a perfectly reasonable state of affairs.  Some 
file systems, especially those which dominate the PC market, don't
normally handle such things, and may not be able to unpack them into
two separate files.  I am changing the way the HTML is generated so
that a copy is made instead of a hard link; this should make things
usable by everyone.
  If you are missing tut/tut.html, you can do either of two things:
(1) download html-1.5.2.tgz again and unpack it, or (2) copy
tut/index.html to tut/tut.html.  The later might be a little faster
for most people.  ;-)
  Thanks for letting me know about this problem so quickly!


Fred L. Drake, Jr.	     <fdrake at acm.org>
Corporation for National Research Initiatives

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