Class Instances in Zope

Andrew Cooke andrew at
Fri May 14 08:56:01 EDT 1999


I've been looking at the description of Zope on the web site and I'm a
bit confused about the separation of classes and instances.

I'll write down what I understand in the hope that it makes clearer
what I do not know:

A URL seems to be mapped to an object chain - this is not an
inheritance hierarchy, but does have something similar in the form of
acquisition.  It seems, to me, that the "/" in the URL are,
effectively, replaced by "." in Python.  These objects are
automatically backed up by a database system that gives them
persistency and versioning (very neat).

However, what I can't grasp, is where self/this comes from.  Do class
instances appear at any point?  Do different users seem the same
instances, or is it possible, say, to map individual instances to
particular users?  (I'm assuming that instances do exist somehow - or
does the URL map to a single huge structure?)

I think I'm missing something obvious - please can someone point me to
the right document on the web site (I suspect I've already read the
explanation, but somehow missed it!).


work andrew at | play andrew at |

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