Concrete Proposal: while ... and while ...

Paul Prescod paul at
Thu May 20 17:51:41 EDT 1999

"Andrew M. Kuchling" wrote:
>         I don't see why do...while would break code.  

Python keywords can't be used as variable names. Today, "do" could be a
variable name in some obscure piece of code. Personally I think that the
tiny bit of breakage would be worth it but strictly speaking it would be a
(mildly) backwards-incompatible change.


If we loosened the rule against using keywords, or made an exception for
"do" then it could be implemented in a backwards-compatible manner by
looking for the colon. I find I often want to use class as a variable

 Paul Prescod  - ISOGEN Consulting Engineer speaking for only himself

"It's only a movie. People should get a life." 
 - George Lucas (

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