Books on Python now vs in 8 months.

Peter Sommerfeld peter.sommerfeld at
Sun May 2 06:15:28 EDT 1999

Phil Voris  wrote:
>I've been considering learning Python as a means of getting insight into
>OO thinking.  I have been reluctant to by the snake or rat books because
>I have read that future versions of Python -- mayber even versions as
>early as later this year -- will be radicaly different and in some ways
>backwards incompatible.  I ask myself if it's worthwhile to learn it one
>way if it will change so quickly.  Does anyone have insight as to how
>much it's _really_ going to change...?


forget about this. 1.5.2 (windows) has just been released. and next will be
the backward compatible version 1.6 (+ a few minor releases). Version 2.0
will then probably change the object model. But this is far away, lets say
3 to 5 years (who knows?). And Python will still be Python ...

Yes, it's good for learning OO thinking.

-- Peter

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