Defining VCL-like framework for Python

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Wed May 19 07:14:13 EDT 1999

Def P <def-p at> wrote:
> >Furthermore, Python does not have (at
> >least afaik) a component-based system for building applications.
> True, and a library or package with Tkinter "components" would be nice.
is one such package.  contains a number of prebuilt
components, and a framework for building new ones.

> I, for one, miss a "component" consisting of two listboxes where you can
> move data from one to the other. Fortunately, this is fairly easy to code,
> so I'll eventually write it myself.
> I think designing all-new components (not constructed from existing ones)
> won't be that easy, though.  Is it possible?   *looks expectantly at Tkinter
> demigods*

it's fairly trivial to create "user interface components" based
on existing widgets (using the pmw framework, or more light-
weight approaches like the "ui component pattern" in my up-
coming tkinter book).

to create new widgets, you have to use other tools.  python-
ware are developing a new widget toolkit, partially based on
the tkinter apis.  the "uitoolkit for tkinter" edition (which will
be included in pythonworks; see below) allows you to use it
with an existing tkinter program, but we have other versions
in the works:

> I do agree something like "Visual Python" would be a nice thing
> to have...

we're working on that too, as you might already know.  join the
mailing list for updates:

Cheers /F
fredrik at

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