nsapy anyone?

S Voynow sasha at tunes.com
Thu May 27 20:22:32 EDT 1999

Is anybody using the nsapy (on NT in particular) module? If
so, I could use a little setup/configuration guidance.

I've got it set up and working to the point that will
execute test .py files, but each page ends with "OK An
error has occured",  after it has output everything it is
supposed to.
The netscape error log looks like this:

[27/May/1999:17:09:33] warning (  327): for host trying to GET /mynsapytest.pye, (thread
13264592) nsapy_Service reports: REQ_ABORTED

The .py file is:

import nsapy
import string

class RequestHandler( nsapy.RequestHandler ):

    def Content( self ):
		return "this is a test"

Or words to that effect.

Is there an undocumented canonical way to close out the
handling of a request that will avoid this?

Advice is much appreciated.

Sasha Voynow

sasha at tunes.com

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