Windows 3.11

James C. Ahlstrom jim at
Thu May 6 10:11:16 EDT 1999

Zacharias Pigadas wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to install python in a windows 3.11 machine but I run accross
> some problems. I may be a bit thick but I could not import string not import
> os but can import time. The machine was clean, no python installed to it
> previously, nothing.  When editing the autoexec.bat file I found out that it
> was referencing one other directory called lib15 that does not exist on my
> machine. I tried looking for the libraries only distribution of python but
> everything came with the equivalent pytohn distribution(win32,linus, etc). I
> have python in WinNT I just need it on 3.11 as well. If I copy my lib
> directory from NT will it work then??

It sounds like your Windows 3.1 machine lacks a copy of the Python
files.  Just copy the whole library tree including the subdirectory
from your NT machine.  If you use pkzip, be sure to unzip with the "-d"
so you preserve the subdirectories.

When you start the Python binary, import sys, and then enter "print
This shows you what your PYTHONPATH is, and your library directory must
be on
this list.  Otherwise, you can set the environment variable PYTHONPATH
to change
this list.  It may be easier to just choose to use the default

You should now be able to import "string", but may have problems
long names such as "regex_syntax".  If so, add /lib/dos-8x3 to your

Jim Ahlstrom

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