Defining VCL-like framework for Python

Def P def-p at
Wed May 19 06:44:54 EDT 1999

Alexander Staubo wrote...

>Delphi is particularly good -- especially compared to such toolkits as
>Microsoft's MFC -- because it offers clean OOP concepts,

Hmm, it's not that clean, but that's not the point here... :)

>Imho, Python needs a better windowing toolkit than is provided by
>Tcl/Tkinter today. That's just me.

While you are of course entitled to your opinion, I beg to differ... I've
been using both: Delphi at work, Python for kicks, and while Tkinter had a
bit of learning curve (also because it's so different from Delphi) I now
find that developing in Python & Tkinter is not significantly slower, or
more painful, than in Delphi.

>Furthermore, Python does not have (at
>least afaik) a component-based system for building applications.

True, and a library or package with Tkinter "components" would be nice. I,
for one, miss a "component" consisting of two listboxes where you can move
data from one to the other. Fortunately, this is fairly easy to code, so
I'll eventually write it myself.

I think designing all-new components (not constructed from existing ones)
won't be that easy, though.  Is it possible?   *looks expectantly at Tkinter

[other ideas snipped because I don't have much to say about them :-]

I do agree something like "Visual Python" would be a nice thing to have...
it's also a helluva lot of work... Maybe a SIG for this would be a good

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