Why is tcl broken?

Cameron Laird claird at Starbase.NeoSoft.COM
Thu Jun 10 14:35:02 EDT 1999

In article <375FF969.C879B4CD at iname.com>,
Fernando Mato Mira  <matomira at iname.com> wrote:
>About the Connoly one, the namespace issue seems to
>be solved by [incr Tcl]. But what about that "interpreted
>multiple times"? Is it just an efficiency issue, or a semantic
>nightmare (maybe both)?
It's a different, but no less defensible, choice for
quoting rules than the one LISP made.

Cameron Laird           http://starbase.neosoft.com/~claird/home.html
claird at NeoSoft.com      +1 281 996 8546 FAX

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