Why is tcl broken?

Skip Montanaro skip at mojam.com
Fri Jun 11 08:26:03 EDT 1999

Laurent POINTAL wrote:
> Fernando Mato Mira wrote:
> for Python vs Tcl
> >:   If you have references to articles of the sort, that will be useful,
> >: too.
> See http://www.cwi.nl/~sjoerd/PythonVsTcl.html

While I'm sure that what Sjoerd wrote is accurate, it described Python
and Tcl as they existed around late 1995 or early 1996.  Both languages
have changed more than a little since then. 
> I remeber having seen an article of a guy explaining why he switched
> from Tcl to Python for a large project... but I loose the URL.

That would be Frank Stajano. He presented a paper at last November's
Python conference entitled "Implementing the SMS server, or why I
switched from Tcl to Python".


Frank's perspective is an interesting one, because unlike most of us, he
used Tcl and [incr Tcl] happily for several years before encountering
Python, so he brings a depth of understanding to the discussion most of
us don't have.  (I, on the other hand, got an immediate bad taste from
Tcl and spit it right out. ;-)

Skip Montanaro	| Mojam: "Uniting the World of Music"
skip at mojam.com  | Musi-Cal: http://www.musi-cal.com/

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