tkinter and events

Doug Hellmann doughellmann at
Fri Jun 11 10:11:41 EDT 1999

Paul Stillwell wrote:
> So, when I run the code and double click on o1, I get:
> >>> Clicked on domain 20
> which is the last object I created even though I double clicked on the first
> object.  What am I doing wrong?

The reason you're always seeing the same value is that the call in
MyTestObject.__init__ to bind <Double-1> on the canvas always changes
the existing binding on the *canvas*, but what you want is to bind
events on the *rectangle*.

Try changing these two lines:

self.Box = Rectangle(Parent, self.Begx, self.Begy, self.Endx,
self.Canvas.bind('<Double-1>', self.DoubleClickHandler)


self.Box = Rectangle(Parent, self.Begx, self.Begy, self.Endx,
self.Box.bind('<Double-1>', self.DoubleClickHandler)

I added the fill to the Rectangle so that I could double click on it
more easily.  Then, the important change is to use the bind method of
the Rectangle object, instead of the Canvas.


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