Python GUIs: Abandoning TkInter and welcoming wxPython?

lvirden at lvirden at
Mon Jul 5 06:51:07 EDT 1999

According to Jean-Claude Wippler  <jcw at>:
:Sales != installed base.
:Also: Sales of one vendor vs. combined sales of N.

On the other hand, 

Previous Sales != installed base

either.  Homes tend to accumulate machines (I know we do - we've currently
got 4 old machines and are about to inherit someone else's cast off machine
as number 5...).

Businesses on the other hand tend to replace machines in varying patterns.
Some accumulate, some stagnate, some have rapid turnover, etc.  So
it's going to be pretty tough to determine installed base.

The bottom line is the original poster claimed that "macs are not very
common" - meaning I assume that in his sphere of operation he seldom knows
of anyone using a Mac.  Others have varying differing experiences.
It's up to people who are using a platform to let the software producers
(whether free or commercial) know if they need software on their platform.

<URL: mailto:lvirden at> Quote: Saving the world before bedtime.
<*> O- <URL:>
Unless explicitly stated to the contrary, nothing in this posting
should be construed as representing my employer's opinions.

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