Python and COM (long)

Mark Hammond MHammond at
Tue Jul 13 19:17:23 EDT 1999

Toby Dickenson wrote in message <378d8ee2.10645225 at>...
>Bill Tutt <billtut at> wrote:
>So, my conclusion is that you need to support QueryInterface for
>_both_ the IID of your dispinterface and IID_IDispatch, and that they
>must both return the same implementation of IDispatch.

I wish I had time to dig the thread up (in the pycom-dev archives) and
ensure I am not talking crap, but this also appears to be consistent with
how you must work with multiple dispatch interfaces - with fear of being
totally wrong, I seem to recall we must change win32com in that situation to
explicitely QI for the dispinterface, as a QI for IDispatch may not give us
the IDispatch we are after...

[This is still a pending win32com change too]


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