[Q] Accessors...

Olivier Deckmyn olivier.deckmyn at mail.dotcom.fr
Mon Jul 19 10:08:17 EDT 1999

HI again...

Is there a way to do the following :

class MyClass :
    def __init__(self):
        self._myAttr = None

    def get_myAttr(self):
        return self._myAttr

    def set_myAttr(self, value)
        self._myAttr = value # might do more interresting checkings for

and then use this like that:

print m.myAttr

This way, because it exists two methods get_XXX and set_XXX, a special
proporty XXX would be implicitly created, and would make the user call
"automatically" the get/set methods.

(Please note that myAttr is defined nowhere, but is the "guessed" word found
after methods get_XXX and set_XXX)

I other words, would be AUTOMATICALLY "understood" by the interpreter as :

print m.get_myAttr()

This is what I call "accessors" : a way to make the user use automatically
methods to access variables ?
Such a thing is a "property" in Delphi for example.

Thanx all for your support.

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