Python suitable for a game engine?

Alan Daniels daniels at
Sat Jul 3 00:51:47 EDT 1999

On Fri, 02 Jul 1999 11:48:36 +0100, the infinitely wise Alex Maranda
(amaranda at spoke forth to us, saying...

>Alan Daniels wrote:
>> I have the (VERY!) preliminary code at:
>> if you're interested, although there isn't much to look at.
>I'm downloading it now. You can use negative version numbers;
>SmallEiffel is now at version -0.78. They'll stop when they'll reach 0.0

In that case, I'm going to restart with negative numbers.
I was just going to call it the "Zebra" engine, but that name is
taken. So, I'm going to rename it to the "Zeroth" engine. Seems
appropriate, considering the state its in. :=)

Alan Daniels
daniels at
daniels at

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