Python and Boehm-Demers GC, I have code.

Michael Hudson mwh21 at
Tue Jul 20 07:56:21 EDT 1999

On 20 Jul 1999, Markus Kohler wrote:
[snippety snip]
> Is there anything that would prevent someone to reimplement loops such
> that only one variable is allocated ?

Yes. The fact that ints are immutable. Consider:

for i in xrange(10):
    if i == 2:
        j = i

if the loop only allocated one variable, then at the end of the loop
'print j' would give the answer '9'!

I guess this could be worked around by inspecting refcounts and such...
but not easily.

there's-the-small-integer-cache-to-worry-about-too-ly y'rs

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