How fast can we multiply?

Christian Tismer tismer at
Sun Jul 18 14:48:21 EDT 1999

I detected an oversight, which made me loose a lot of speed.
Version 0.2 is now 4 times faster at 100000 bits.


Fast long integers. 

Christian Tismer

Version 0.2: 
Adding some forgotten fastlong calls made it much faster.

>From time to time I have argued on the main list that Python's
long integers should have a faster multiplication. It is a well
known fact that by some factorization, integer multiplication's
complexity can be brought from O(n**2) down to O(n**1.5) .

The method is sometimes called Karatsuba algorithm. But studying
chapter 12.7 of (1), it turns out to be nothing else but a special
case of preconditioning polynomials.

I think to remember that the GMP library uses this algorithm,
but I didn't look it up and tried my own straightforward way.

The reason why I don't aim to modify the C implementation any
longer is: It will not be reasonably faster in C. The real
working horse is still the basic internal long multiplication
(sometimes called "highschool algorithm") which is fast for small
long integers. The only effect of a C port would be to move the
break_even point to something smaller.

My proposal to get something like this into the C code:
For very long numbers to multiply, the C version could
be enabled to call back into the Python implementation.

A function to obtain the bit length of a long would
be most helpful. Some kind of split function as well.
Currently, with a "clean" nbits implementation, the
break even point appears to be 50000 bits.
With a marshal-based inaccurate hack, break even is 
around 10000 bits.

For a bit length of 100000, my algorithm outperforms
the built in long numbers by a factor of 4.

(1) Aho/Hopcroft/Ullmann: 
    "The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms"


class fastlong:
    """a class around long numbers which can multiply faster than
    break_even = 50000 # clean nbits
    break_even = 10000 # hacked nbits
    def __init__(self, val):
        if isinstance(val, fastlong):
            self.val = val.val
            self.val = long(val)
    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self.val)
    def __add__(self, other):
        return fastlong(self.val + fastlong(other).val)
    def __sub__(self, other):
        return fastlong(self.val - fastlong(other).val)

    def __div__(self, other):
        # not optimized yet
        return fastlong(self.val / fastlong(other).val)
    def __pos__(self):
        return self
    def __neg__(self):
        return fastlong(-self.val)
    def __lshift__(self, bits):
        return fastlong(self.val << bits)
    def __rshift__(self, bits):
        return fastlong(self.val >> bits)
    def __mul__(self, other):
        """Karatsuba alogrithm
        val1 = self.val
        val2 = fastlong(other).val
        if not val1 and val2:
            return 0
        bitcount = max(nbits(val1), nbits(val2))
        if bitcount < self.break_even:
            return val1 * val2
        shift = bitcount / 2
        (hi1, lo1) = split_num(val1, shift)
        (hi2, lo2) = split_num(val2, shift)
        sum1 = lo1-hi1
        sum2 = hi2-lo2
        mul1 = hi1 * hi2
        mul2 = lo1 * lo2
        mul3 = sum1 * sum2
        res = mul2 + ((mul1 + mul2 + mul3) << shift) + (mul1 <<
        return res
def split_num(longval, shift):
    scale = 1L << (shift)
    mask = scale - 1
    lo = longval & mask
    hi = longval >> shift
    return fastlong(hi), fastlong(lo)
def nbits(x):
    """clean, accurate, not so fast"""
    if x <= 2:
        if x < 0:
            return nbits(-x)+1
        return x
    sum = 1
    while x:
        shift = 1
        x = x2 = x >> 1
        while x2:
            x = x2
            sum = sum + shift
            shift = shift + shift
            x2 = x >> shift
    return sum

import marshal, struct

def nbits(x):
    """not clean, rather fast, inaccurate"""
    return abs(struct.unpack("i", s[1:5])[0])*15 -7


def test():
        import sys
        be = fastlong.break_even
        for i in range(be/2, be*16, be/4):
            arg = (1l << i+1) -1
            fastarg = fastlong(arg)
            tim1, res1 = timing(lambda x:x*x, arg)
            tim2, res2 = timing(lambda x:x*x, fastarg)
            if res1 <> res2:
                raise ValueError, "different results fo i=" % i
            print i, tim1, tim2

def timing(func, args, n=1, **keywords) :
	import time
	if type(args) != type(()) : args=(args,)
	for i in rep: res=appl(func, args, keywords)
	return round(time()-before,4), res
# the end ----------------------------------------------------

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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