gadfly RDBMS ???

Gordon McMillan gmcm at
Wed Jul 21 15:49:58 EDT 1999

Darko Cvagic writes:

> Thanks, I think that I'm exchange terms like RELATION and LINK
> So, Gadfly IS RELATIONAL, but I can't make something like:
>  CREATE LINK order_customer
>  FOREIGN KEY order(cno)
>  REFERENCES customer
> I can't do it in gadfly, am I wright?  
> What is name for construction like this? 
> I was thought that it is RELATIONAL , I was wrong!

CREATE LINK is not in the ANSI standard at all. In the standard, 
you'd do this in the CREATE TABLE statment.

The 86 level of the standard doesn't even have FOREIGN KEY or

The term "relational" can mean all kinds of things. I've seen it used 
(by big-wigs in the field) to discard DBs that were based on 
inverted-list technology as "non-relational" despite their having 
full ANSI SQL capabilities.

- Gordon

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