Python documentation available as ZIP files

Gordon McMillan gmcm at
Sat Jul 24 09:25:10 EDT 1999

Laurence Tratt writes:

> Admittedly, as a non-Windows user, WinZip has always worked when
> I've tried it on .tar.gz files, but maybe I'm not using it correctly
> <wink>.

Most likely, you're not downloading properly <wink>. You're supposed 
to use a browser, and let it choose a sensible name like 

> If you want to preach the benefits of .tar.gz I'd reccomend
> preaching about .tar.bz2... And that way you can try educating lots
> of Unix users as well as the Windows gang <wink>.

Tee hee. Use it on my Linux box. Someone pointed me to a Windows 
port. The readme says "can't run in a 16 bit subsystem", but the port 
*is* an MSDOS executable (not a 32 bit console executable). It did 
manage to decompress, but mangled file names beyond recognition.

- Gordon

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