Python and SlickEdit

Dan L. Pierson dan at
Tue Jul 27 10:44:14 EDT 1999

daniel.dittmar at (Daniel Dittmar) wrote:

> Rowland Smith <rowland at> wrote:
> >Does anyone know if there are any Python plug-ins for Visual SlickEdit
> >and where they are?
> There's a Python module in the contributed area
> ( 
> It does code coloring, but no procedure outlining (at least not
> working). 

Wonder if that's the one I've submitted to them at least twice.  If
so, you're right that the procedure outlining is only partly working.
They never responded to my requests for help on it and I'm not a
wizard with their extension environment (mainly use Emacs, have for
many years, fire up Slick Edit every few months for some special use).
Slick-C isn't that bad as an extension language (IMO, not that good
either) but you really need to learn all of their internal extension
conventions too.

My hazy memory says that part of the problem was that all existing
examples of working procedure outlining and full tagging are
implemented as C dlls.  There was on critical function that the
comments in the sample file (i.e. the official documentation) claimed
would do what was needed but I couldn't find a Slick-C implementation
of that for any of their modes and mine didn't work for the usual
mysterious reasons.  This was what I was asking for help on...

BTW: I looked at their "Context Tagging" implementation for C++.
While its undocumented, it looks like someone *could* do something
similar for Python.  It all *seems* to be in Slick-C.  Be a lot of
work and you might run into something that had to be done in C/C++.

Dan Pierson, Control Technology Corporation
dan at

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