Coredump: python 1.5.2

Mark Hammond MHammond at
Thu Jul 8 04:04:54 EDT 1999

Toby J Sargeant wrote in message
<19990708142614.A3595 at>...
>The following code causes a coredump under python 1.5.2

I dont suppose you wondered why the stack trace was so huge? :-)
>class Stuffed:
>   def __getattr__(self,key):
>      print self
>print Stuffed()

_Before_ the "print self" line (but not on the same line!) add a:
   print "in getattr for", key

And it should become obvious why it bombs.  Why Python's built-in recursion
check mechanism doesnt kick in on your platform and prevent the coredump is
something I can't possibly answer!


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