String2List: odd function

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Wed Jul 21 12:32:35 EDT 1999

Isidor <rodisi01 at> wrote:
> If someone will point me to (or give me) some suggestions re.
> posting code to the newsgroup, I could just do that. I'm worried
> about line breaks and all that stuff. Would an ascii attachment
> work in deja-world? (I've never had much access to newsgroups, so
> this is all sort of new to me, and I have to use the free and
> powerful (many many thanks!) but somewhat frustrating deja-news
> interface.)

afaik, all major newsgroup/mailing list archives can deal
with text attachments.  smaller code snippets are ok, in
other words.


another option is to upload stuff to;

    The 'incoming' directory is available for upload submissions.  Stuff
    you leave there is not externally accessible until someone at moves it the publically-readable parts of the hierarchy.

    To have that happen, put your stuff in /incoming under a distinctive
    name.  Include a brief "<stuff>.README" file, identifying the stuff
    *and including a contact address for it*.  Then send email to:

            ftpmaster at

    notifying us of the deposit.  Tell us who you are, what the stuff is for,
    and the names of the pieces you put here.  (When contributing patches to the
    python distribution, see also 'incoming-patches-instructions' in the
    top-level ftp dir.)  Make sure that your return address is valid, so we can
    contact you if necessary!

    Questions or suggestions?  Email 'ftpmaster at'...
    (In case of emergency, pull handle:     |  )


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