interaction between modules... globals?

Hans Nowak ivnowa at
Wed Jul 7 08:59:27 EDT 1999

On 7 Jul 99, Gerrit Holl wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a program which consists of several little modules, but I encounter a
> problem with that. I have one module which returns a class instance, with
> messages as members, either Dutch or English. Every module needs that instance,
> but I don't want to pass it as an argument to every little function, the
> modules should find out theirselves. But I _also_ don't want to make that
> instance 5 times.
> So I thougt: I need a sort of global between the modules. Is this possible?

Why not use it like this:

class MyClass:
    # blah blah
myinstance = MyClass()

Now we have the module with your much-used instance. This can be used 
by other modules as follows:

import mymodule


But maybe you tried this approach already?

Hans Nowak (ivnowa at

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