win32 python as a dll?

Mark Hammond MHammond at
Fri Jul 9 08:40:47 EDT 1999

phil wrote in message <37859ef4.11675718 at>...
>On Fri, 9 Jul 1999 09:03:03 +1000, "Mark Hammond"
><MHammond at> wrote:
>available but not the _d.dl. Couldn't there be two downloads, one with
>the optimised/non-debug and one without? I rather like the

There could of course - just a matter of "who"?  Guido does a fanstasic job
of putting together the Python binary set for Windows, even though Windows
is not his primary platform.

It is just asking too much for the existing people to do this for nothing.
This is the reason I am adding it as a registered user benefit - it is
simply too much of a burden to go _this_ far for free!


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