Xemacs Python Mode.

Skip Montanaro skip at mojam.com
Fri Jul 23 19:26:33 EDT 1999

    Chris> This gets me close enough to be functional, but isn't quite
    Chris> there. The problem is that if there are spaces in there, it won't
    Chris> reset them to tabs, which is what I would like.

Sounds like a one-shot pass over the code with sed, tr, indent or Emacs'
tabify command should do the trick.  I'm not used to TAB==SPC*4 mode, so I
won't hazard a guess at the appropriate settings, but a little
experimentation should converge on a solution fairly quickly.

In fact, maybe Emacs' tabify command will just do the right thing if you
have tab-width set properly.  Try C-h f tabify RET.

Skip Montanaro	| http://www.mojam.com/
skip at mojam.com  | http://www.musi-cal.com/~skip/

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