I envy newbies

James Logajan JamesL at Lugoj.Com
Thu Jul 15 23:49:48 EDT 1999

jam wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 15, 1999 at 02:20:33PM -0500, mary jeanette wrote:
> >
[Plea for help from Mary elided.]
> your post appears to be begging for an argument, so I shall refuse to give
> you one.
[Jam's response mostly elided.]

> as a rule of thumb: if your post can't pass the "you asshole" test, don't
> bother hitting the send button lest you humiliate yourself in front of
> a huge audience-- here's a hint: the post you sent out *did not*, in my
> opinion, pass the 'you asshole' test. the python community (as with others
> on the internet today) is driven (mostly) by mutual respect for one another
> and *not* greed. you simply need to ask for help instead of demanding it,
> and you will be given the answers you seek.

I never knew there was a "you asshole" test. Probably only an asshole would
invent such a test. Any person with an ounce of empathy would recognize that
the post by Mary Jeanette was obviously born of frustration, so a civil
request for more details about the problem encountered would have sufficed.
I can't figure out what got into "jam" to post such a vicious and uncalled
for attack.

P.S. If Mary Jeannette can give a few more specific details, post them or
even e-mail them direct to me and I or others will try to help.

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