binding keys to slider in Tkinter?

Matt Gushee mgushee at
Tue Jul 20 23:56:00 EDT 1999

kajiyama at (Tamito Kajiyama) writes:

> heather at (Heather A. Drury) writes:
> | 
> | I'm trying to bind the arrow keys to allow a user to increment
> | (or decrement) a counter using the Scale widget and Tkinter.
> | I seem to be unable to bind anything to the Scale widget.
> | I'm sure I'm missing something.
> For a widget to get key press/release events, the widget first needs to
> get the input focus.  You can pass around the input focus by pressing
> the tab key.  The Scale widget has the key bindings that you want
> already.
> If you want to control the Scale widget using arrow keys even when
> another widget has the input focus, you have to let the widget to pass
> the relevant events to the Scale widget.

Haven't tried this in a while, but IIRC if you create a binding for
the arrow keys on the toplevel window, that binding is accessible from 
all child windows of that toplevel.

Matt Gushee
Portland, Maine, USA
mgushee at

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