[Tutor] I want to learn to hack

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at cnri.reston.va.us
Fri Jul 23 11:03:56 EDT 1999

>>>>> "BW" == Blake Winton <bwinton at tor.dhs.org> writes:

    BW> This was the first one I've seen in all my many years as a
    BW> reader of the tutor list...  Are you planning on forwarding
    BW> them to the tutor list, and wanted to test the waters, or did
    BW> you just want some ideas on how to handle them when they came
    BW> your way?

When I see such messages on webmaster at python.org I basically ignore
them.  The replybot on that addr gives all the information that
someone with an inkling of a clue needs to figure out where to go next 
(I hope -- if anybody thinks otherwise, feel free to suggest

I'm usually pretty good about hitting `d' on messages to webmaster
that aren't dealing strictly with the operation or content of the
site, but every once in a while I'll forward a message on to
python-help.  I usually don't forward to tutor.


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